- The Places We've Seen,The People We've MetTo move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give. To roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.”
— Hans Christian Andersen
South America and Easter Island, 2019- Susie Pringle
A Year of Memorable Travel, 2019 - Linda Futterman
Travel during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic - Eva Goldenberg Gans
Susie Levenson PringleJohn and I planned a trip to South America for early 2019. We use OAT (Overseas Adventure Travel) for most of our trips and enjoy working with them. The trip was called Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and The Chilean Fiords. It included Argentina, Chile, Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego (a five-day cruise). We added a post trip extension to Iguazú Falls and Buenos Aires. While in Costa Rica in 2018 we met two couples who convinced us to go to Easter Island as well so we added it as a pre-trip. So happy that they spoke so highly of this remarkable place.
This unforgettable vacation memory includes three segments: an evocative song, a breathtaking video, and a day-by day blog.
THE SONGJohn loves music and before the trip he began to explore Argentinian and Chilean Music. He encountered a beautiful poem that had been set to music, Gracias a la Vida, and we studied it both in Spanish and English.We both fell in love with it. We brought it with us and found that it was a big hit in both countries. We taught it to our travel mates and often played it on the bus while we were traveling.
To hear the song in both Spanish and English go to the YouTube address below.
It is really special and its messages resonated for us during our entire trip.
Download the lyrics, written by Violeta Parra and as sung by Mercedes Sosa. Here they are the words in both languages.
THE IMAGESJohn has become quite the photographer. Occasionally he will use some of my shots but most of the work is his.
Here is the video of our trip. Go to the YouTube address below (it’s 22 minutes long but worth it).
January 23 – February 15, 2019
- A Year of Memorable Travel - 2019Linda Roth Futterman
Last winter we crossed the Pacific to learn about New Zealand and Australia. Then in the summer we traveled to Brussels and Bruges, on to Trouville-sur-mer, in Normandy and then to England. See my description of our travels and photos from both trips at the link below.
Travel During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Eva Lynn Goldenberg Gans
My husband Leo and I had four amazing trips planned for 2020. They included a cruise on the Oceania line around South America from February 23 to March 15, a mission to Israel in May, a National Geographic train trip on the Trans-Siberian Railroad from August 4 to August 23, and a trip transiting the Panama Canal with the whole family on December 20-27.When we boarded the ship in Buenos Aires, we had to fill out papers that we had no fever and our temperatures were taken. Everything was normal. A few days into the trip we received emails that our May mission was cancelled. A few days later the captain announced that new health protocols would be put in place. There was a long list including extra cleaning, no self-serve buffets, tables being set in dining rooms after we were seated, and even disposable menus. The day before the trip was to end in Lima, we woke up early for a 7:00 AM excursion. But to my surprise the lounge where we were to meet was closed, and there was no land to be seen. Soon there was announcement that Peru would not allow cruise ships to dock, and we were turning around and heading to Chile. I spent the morning trying to get flights out of Chile. That evening, while we were at dinner, the captain announced that Chile would not allow cruise ships to dock either, and we were turning around again. I spent the evening trying to get a refund on the Chile flight. Needless to say, there were long lines at the medical suites as passengers tried to stock up on needed medications and many questions how we would get home. Six days later we found ourselves transiting the Panama Canal, a wonderful treat, with our children emailing us to ask if we were willing to go through the canal twice in one year. The happy ending to this story is we enjoyed eight extra days cruising on a lovely ship with excellent service and meals, eventually flying home from Miami and, most important of all, no one was sick.Once we returned home on March 23rd, we cancelled our trip to Russia, although Nat Geo insisted that the trip would be going. Actually, they did cancel only a few weeks ago. If not for the pandemic we would be on the train right now. It took until this week for us to get our deposit refunded. In addition, I told them to move our family trip from December 2020 to December 2021. Although that seemed pessimistic in March, I am now sure I did the right thing. Hopefully by 2021 it will be safe. And we are all joking that I did it so Leo and I will NOT be doing the Panama Canal twice in one year.I could entertain you with long boring stories how we finally managed to get some food to eat after four weeks away and the Teaneck kosher shops in chaos, but suffice it to say we are fine and happy to be safe and together in our lovely apartment.