• Class of 1962 60th Reunion

    In person and on Zoom

  • Reports about the 60th Reunion, June 2022



    Having mostly been a commuter, Reunion has given me an opportunity to get to know more and more classmates over the years. By now it feels like I know about 75% of the attendees. I often work on our panel, and that always gives me even more opportunity to get to know more people.


    There is a special feeling about meeting up every 5 years with people you have known for over 60, a kind of bond of shared values and an appreciation of our common experience at Barnard. That was especially so this year when our lives have felt so tenuous, and the chance to meet in person so precious.


    Harriet Inselbuch was once again so generous, kicking off Reunion with an elegant cocktail party in her beautiful home on Thursday evening.


    Friday was a glorious day weather-wise, so we could enjoy each other’s company for the most part outdoors. Because the group was not too large, I felt I had a chance to talk at length with a number of people.


    Being back on campus is always exhilarating. Roz Gordon and Joan Katz worked so hard to make our 60th happen, and they deserve our gratitude. The speakers on the panel were spectacular, and the discussion was so enlivening.


    I hope that those who attended Reunion virtually could savor some of the warmth and excitement that we felt in person.



    I especially enjoyed the visual art panel on Friday, thought all the presenters whether on tape or in person were very interesting, and that says a lot about the quality of the faculty when we were students. I only took one year with Barbara Novak and a fine arts survey but some of the ideas from that course have stayed with me all these years and greatly increased my enjoyment of various museums etc. especially in Europe. In fact, a few weeks ago I was in Ravenna on route to Venice and remembered being there summer of our junior year!. It was a critical stop to see the gorgeous mosaics.



    As incoming presidents, we will have a very difficult act to follow! Roz and Joan worked tirelessly to orchestrate an unforgettable reunion…in the face of extraordinary circumstances. Our profound gratitude to them and all members of the Reunion committee.


    The Class Zoom on Thursday was the culmination of the mini-zooms of the preceding months and ………followed by Harriet’s lovely cocktail reception. We really appreciated that Barnard was so careful to adhere to safety protocols and held most live events outdoors…including our Friday dinner in the Milbank courtyard. All meals served delicious food!


    An outstanding experience for everyone was the Art panel on Friday. We heard from four very accomplished classmates in very diverse aspects of the art world. The panelists, and many in the audience, paid tribute to their inspiration and enduring love of art from Professors Barbara Novak and Julius Held. We may not remember Advanced Calculus but Art History continues to enrich our lives.


    We look forward to sharing more of our thoughts and experiences and our continued connection to each other as time goes on.



    I had a wonderful time at Reunion. The Cocktail Party at Harriet Inselbuch’s was elegant and it was so nice to see people in person. The weather Friday was divine and everyone’s spirits were lifted sitting under the huge tent for lunch and cocktails. I especially enjoyed chairing the Arts Panel. Even though I had arranged it, it was a surprise to hear what each had to say about her path from Barnard to the successful career she has had. It brought me back to the days at Barnard when I learned so much and was able to carry that learning with me my whole life. The day was capped by a delightful dinner at long tables set up on the porch of Milbank. President Beilock came to visit and speak to end a wonderful time. Unforgettable!



    I was at Harriet's special cocktail party, the excellent, memorable art program (Janice Lieberman did a fabulous job of planning and organizing) and our terrific outdoor cocktail hour and oh so enjoyable outdoor dinner at Milbank Hall. It was great to see the classmates who attended. We really do have a fine class of accomplished, warm, friendly, people. This evening brought back so many fond memories of our college years.



    I enjoyed the preparation for our 60th Reunion as well as numerous virtual events. The zooms that reconnected us were interesting and moving. Thanks to our classmates and the staff, our monthly meetings brought us together, at this stage of our lives, in new and as-yet-unimagined-but-very-meaningful ways. I look forward to their continuation. . . Among the virtual events, the highlight for me was the Art Panel and the appreciation of how lucky we were to have such teachers as Julius Held, who changed my life with his lectures. We are lucky to be alive and 'kicking,' and I hope we continue to connect in special ways technologically and in person.



    So - our 60th reunion has come and gone and although there were technical difficulties getting registered and signing on to events it was incredibly lovely for those who did manage to attend. I was very pleased to be able to find assistance for those who could not log on to registration and Barnard temps did manage to register most who wanted to attend. Unfortunately, although most registered not all could log on to individual events and for that we apologize.


    On the plus side, about 67 classmates attended reunion from our class - either in person or virtually - a large number. The Open House was very well attended with about 40 participants. The live cocktail party graciously hosted by Harriet Inselbuch was attended by about 20 including including spouses. The food was wonderful and the company great - a fine time was had by all.


    On Friday, the hybrid event, our Class of 62 in the Visual Arts panel, was incredible - inspirational. We all loved professors Barbara Novak and Julius Held and descriptions of the influence they had on many of our classmate’s lives and careers took many of us back. The work our classmates did and continue to do is impressive and was very well presented. Kudos to all who spoke and to all those who were there and participated. No one wanted it to end.


    But we had to move on to the cocktail party, which was lovely with about 28 of us attending under a tent and then walking down to Milbank where we dined outside under the portico. We were graced by President Beilock, who does not address all classes, and was very proud of us.


    Our new class officers were announced:

    Roxanne Fischer and Ann Sue Kober - Co Presidents

    Ellie Edelstein - Vice President who is looking for co-workers

    for the 2027 (believe it or not) 65th - please volunteer.

    Roz Gordon and Sara Marks - Co-Class Correspondents

    with Carole Kantor, Webmaster

    Pat Brick Schwartz - Fundraising Chair



    The Reunion was magical especially the Friday night dinner outdoors at the Milbank Courtyard. It was wonderful to see the modern Barnard and to hear from President Beilock. It was inspirational to see old classmates. I had a very good time.



    It was great to catch a glimpse of classmates who were in attendance and occasionally visible on Zoom. Better than not being able to attend virtually, but made me miss my classmates even more. (SCP—We missed you too!). Here to being able to attend the 65th reunion in person!



    I attended Reunion remotely but was able to connect an old classmate, Maruta Lietins Ray. We right away made plans to meet in person this summer.



    What wonderful reports on Barnard’s first hybrid Reunion. We were the guinea pigs but we all managed to muddle thru though I know there were some ouches.


    Now I want to share my Reunion Notes.

    First let me salute the excellent Zoom and Art programs which our class provided. They were outstanding!

    I couldn’t think of a better location for our Friday Class Dinner than the Milbank Courtyard.

    Harrriet Kaye Inselbuch’s Cocktail Party was outstanding!

    A huge thank you to co-Presidents Roz Gordon and Joan Katz for a tremendous effort during and around the Covid years.

    Here are some other events worthy of special mention



    There were supposed to be two breakfasts on Thursday morning but they were merged. How lucky we Reunion folks were to hear a remarkable Professor — Kimberly Marten. Her comments ranged from climate change in the Arctic to Putin politics. Kimberly answered wonderful Barnard women with great questions for more than an hour! What a treat! (You can read more about her here.)



    This is one of my favorite Reunion programs and it did not disappoint. The moderator, Amy Veltman, 1989, also the retiring AABC chair, was excellent and the four speakers told great stories about their lives. I don’t know how the MOTH people do it but they turn their story-tellers into pros.



    This program, developed by Barnard in the 1990s, has been adopted by colleges all over the US. Professor of History Mark C. Carnes is at the helm and the audience was invited to participate in the battle between Thebes and Sparta. The enthusiasm of the teams was palpable and the audience got into the “game” as well.

    Barnard students compete to get places in this program which is a course lasting an entire year with outstanding results.



    Please see the link here to view the Reunion recordings, Beilock's and others.



    Click here to view the greenhouse tour!



    Ann Sue Kober Werner, Judy Terry Smith, Marsha Stecker Weller, and I celebrated the end of our 60th with a lovely dinner at the Tavallo Restaurant at 123 Street and Broadway. We enjoyed wonderful Italian food and shared a bottle of Prosecco.


    We sat outside near some couples who had seen a show that afternoon at the Riverside Church Theater. We had a lovely visit with these people. A gentleman with them was one of the actors. The show is Slow Dance on a Killing Ground. Three of us decided to attend the evening show which was excellent. We also were able to meet the Director. Only in New York!